When people find out that both my wife, Helen and I are musicians, then find out we’re trumpet players, and then find out Helen is a professional singer, the next question usually is do we get to perform together often. Well, the answer is yes we do from time to time, in bands (wind band, brass band and occasionally orchestra if MrsQ gets time to write out the transpositions, typical brass bander…), but I rarely get the opportunity to be involved in her singing work, until the next two weekends!
Firstly, it gives me great pleasure now to announce MrsQ’s latest venture, Time to say…Bocelli & Brightman with her artistic partner Howard Ellis. They’ve been working on this for the last couple of months and it’s fair to say that I’ve been serenaded morning noon and night here.

Time to say.. a tribute to Andea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman will have their launch concert this weekend near Shrewsbury (close to where Howard lives). I’m very much looking forward to this as I get to play some trumpet too, as Howard’s wife accompanies on piano. Should be a great weekend. You can follow on twitter on @TimeToSayUK and check out their website for updates (when I get the time to build it…!!)
Secondly, on Saturday 21st Helen joins the Hitchin Band as guest vocalist for our Swing Concert in Hitchin. I joined the Hitchin Band just over a year ago and I think this was my first concert with them last year. Tickets available here for what sounds like is going to be a fun night of music making! Come along.. you can even dance too…