Haydn Concerto with SELO – done…
Overall, I think the performance went very well. The Orchestra accompanied brilliantly, and it was a very (surprisingly) relaxing affair. It was a fantastic experience to play a concerto with full orchestra, and especially to quite a large and very appreciative audience.
National Finals with Regent Brass – done…
Even got some good comments from the Judges….
Overall we finished, er.. in last place, but hey.. not to worry, there is always next year (if we qualify). Read full report on Regent Brass Website.
Scottish Open with Regent Brass- done…
Another mention in dispatches from the Judges… this is becoming a habit! Again, not a winning performance from Regent Brass, but not last place either! 🙂 We were placed 9/14/15 by the three judges giving us a 14th place overall. It was fantastic again, to play in the Perth Concert Hall, and also to work on Wilford Heaton’s masterpiece, Contest Music. For a full review of the contest, see Regent Brass website.